Quotes about a poker face

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Poker Face Quotes Poker face - Idioms by The Free Dictionary.Poker Face (noun): an impassive expression that hides one's true feelings. Having a poker face is both a gift and a curse. While you can hide your thoughts and feelings from everyone else, a lot of people will think you're arrogant and unemotional. Top 100 quotes about Poker. Best of 34 Poker sayings… Best quotes about poker of all times. Some of the top sayings that are poker are here to read and remember. Access the best poker quotations.If you're a poker player and you show up at a casino at 8 a.m., you're going to be by yourself or with some people that are rocks and just don't give you any...

How to Have a Good Poker Face. Having a good poker face is harder than you think when tensions are high. It can be very difficult to contain your reaction, whether it's excitement or disappointment.

A face devoid of a smile is depressing. Some people choose to live up to this expression when they are sad or depressed, changing their perception towards life. Whether you believe in the power of humor or not, you require a dose … Janine // Egon - Poker Face - YouTube

Heroes Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes. Mohinder Suresh: Evolution is an imperfect, and often violent process. Morality loses it's meaning. The question of good and evil, reduced to one simple choice: Survive? Or perish? Permalink ...

2019-5-12 · Poker Alice's real name was Alice Ivers. She was born in 1853 in Devonshire, England and educated there before moving with her family to Colorado. There, she met and married Frank Duffield, a mining engineer, who had taught her poker. Card Playing Idioms - The Idiom Connection 2019-5-7 · poker face - a face with no expression (this is done in the game of poker so that nobody knows if you have good cards or not) The politician had a poker face when he tried to defend himself against the scandal. put one's cards on the table - to be open and honest about one's intentions or resources

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Trailer for New Greek Movie “Poker Face” • Hustle Cards News • When it comes to the world of poker cinema, there’s “Rounders,” which has some great poker quotes by the way, and then there’s not really much else to Fun facts and quotes about poker - PokerBankrolls.com